Are you wondering how all those things fit together? Well I just
could let you thing that it was a well-planned adventure in Europe and Canada,
but rather I will introduce you to our illogical set of trips within the trip purely
based on our self-proclaimed goals.
It all started with our little doggie and a reoccurring trip
to Czech to visit my parents every two years. The doggie did not want to stay
in Anchorage all alone for two weeks so we decided what if we could drop her by
J’s parents in Toronto on the way to Czech via 12 hours layover in Amsterdam.
We actually also decided that on the way home we will stay for two days in Toronto
and that is where comes to play the Toronto FC game. But let me back up here and list the self-proclaimed
Little doggy’s goals: not stay in Anchorage, nothing good
comes out of it especially any treats; go explore grandma’s house there are all
the time some bits to eat on the ground in kitchen.
J’s goals: Auschwitz, Beer Spa, couple days in Toronto and
good times
My Goals: Beer, Beer and more Beer, hiking, stroopwafel and
go to see the soccer game in Toronto while at it.
The above wishes became the pivotal story makers of our
trip. First stop was in Toronto for just about 4 hours to handle over little
barker and get back onto the plane to Amsterdam. We had a 12 hours layover
there and we needed to start checking our wishes out so after several pints of
Amstel and Heineken the stroopwafel become good idea so couple boxes later we
were not only buzzed and sweeter but also on the canal boat in the middle of
the city, fun, fun, fun.
The main part of the trip was played out in Czech Republic
where we hiked in Krkonose Mountains, Rip Mountain and in rock formations area
called “Adrspasske Skaly”. In the midst of all of that we drank lot of Pilsner
Urguell and hang out in the beer spa and yes you are in actual hot tub filled with
Auschwitz was a biggie on J’s list so we did a road trip to
Poland to see what that is all about. I have to tell you if you ever have an
opportunity to visit you need to do that. It is a sobering experience.
And of we went back to Toronto for couple days to see the aforementioned
soccer game and back home to Anchorage later on.
Couple more photos from the trip: